Friday, April 24, 2009

Kolowich, Steve “Law Reviews Create Web Magazine Offering Condensed Articles” The Wired Campus. April 22, 2009

The new online magazine The Legal Workshop offers readers a condensed version of law reviews written by the author of the particular article but in plain English so an average person can take advantage of the information in the article. Typically articles in law reviews are very long reads and many do not have the time or the background knowledge to understand the language used to critique laws. The idea behind this project is to make law reviews more accessible to a wider audience than was possible before the existence of the online magazine The Legal Workshop. According to Michael Montano, the editor of Stanford Law Review, “we owe it to the public to produce work that is relevant to society as a whole.”

I have never read a law review but I imagine that it is no easy task but from reading this article and comments on it this is a good idea. I believe that the idea of offering summaries of law review that are more accessible to the general public is a good thing as long as nothing is taken away from the review. I believe that nothing will be taken away from the article as long as the author of the article writes the summary as well. So from the information given in the article I believe that this will turn out to be a very helpful resource. I bet that it will also be a good resource for lawyers who already know how to read law review as a time saver.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

American Libraries. 15 April 2009.

Consumer Watchdog, the consumer advocacy group has expressed concern to the Justice Department about the settlement of the lawsuit between Google and publishers. Under the October 2008 settlement, Google would be considered the “most favored nation” and guarantees Google the same terms from the proposed Book rights Registry that any future competitor might be offered. In eyes of some peoples this would prevent any competition due to Google’s dominance already in the industry. Although library advocacy groups are not against the digitization of groups they have expressed concerns about the settlement including equal “access to the Book Rights Registry, pricing privacy and intellectual freedom.” The groups argue that the privacy of the users of the digital books including data bases of what books have read, even the amount of time spent on each page. Another problem that was found that authors can opt out of having their books included in the registry this would make it possible for books to just disappear off the registry without warning. Google will allow users to access 20% of the text free of charge. The ALA, ARL, and ACRL are working on a position paper for libraries.
I believe that online books are a good thing and if Google provides the service with the best quality then Google should have the rights to do so. Google has been getting better since it started. I do not believe it is the government proper role to provide a crutch for new companies. As long as Google is not getting any additional help from the government I believe that it is not encouraging a monopoly.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Duke, Alan. Colbert demands 'democracy in orbit' after winning poll. 31 March 2009.

The comedian Steven Colbert, host of the Colbert show, recently demanded that he new wing of the international space station be name after himself or he would take control as “space's evil tyrant overlord.” NASA set up an election to determine the name of the new wing and Colbert received 230,539 of the more than 1.1 million votes cast, coming in at first place. The second runner up was Serenity. Serenity was the name of a spaceship in the television series "Firefly," which was started from a 2005 movie. NASA reserved the right to "ultimately select a name in accordance with the best interests of the agency. ... Such name may not necessarily be one which is on the list of voted-on candidate names." Colbert has received the support of at least one congressman. Colbert has had a history of getting his name out there, including a presidential election bid, a flavor of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream as well as a plane operated by Virgin America airlines.
If a government agency is going to have a vote for the name of something, it needs to follow thru. The situation could have been easily avoided by have selected group of possible name, and then allow the public to vote from the pool. I find it hard to believe that someone in the public relations department did not see something of this manner coming. If a government claims to be democratic and one of its agency attempts a ploy to get more people interested in the operations of the agency they should at least honor the election results. NASA could have just set up the illusion that people had say but they didn’t.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chen , Stephanie. Where 'Undo Send' and other Gmail ideas are born. CNN. March 25, 2009

Gmail the email program developed by Google has a special function called Gmail labs. In Gmail labs special features such a undo send feature and a feature that prevents drunken emails from being sent are available to willing users. Google uses Gmail labs like a test market to see what features Gmail users would be most likely to use with the intent that the features that received a good response would become a part of Gmail. To encourage innovations Gmail lab engineers are allowed to devote twenty percent of their work week to their own projects. With the undo email feature once a email is sent a window will pop up and remain for 5 seconds so a users can check to make sure that the rely to all button was not pressed. To prevent drunken emails, one feature requires users to do a series of math problems before being allowed to send emails between certain hours specified by the user. Another feature prevents a user from checking their email too often. Google maps came out of Google labs so just maybe the next standard part of the program will be out of Google labs.
I find it interesting that Google has programs such as Google labs but one should expect such innovations from a company that was born on new ideas. It is a good and cost effective way to promote new ways of thinking and test would the Google using public wants. I do not use Gmail but I may start just to see the 36 features available from Gmail labs.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Foster, Andrea L.. "Information Navigation 101". Chronicle of Higher Education (3/9/2007):

In Foster article on information literacy in college students she shows the reader that today’s generation of college students may be more accustom to the use of technology but when it comes to research they are lacking. Foster says that the “explosion of information” has made it harder for many to make decisions because of the massive increase in the amount of information readily available to many. The newly availability of information has caused a need for college libraries to offer courses and short seminars to teach students how to conduct research in the information age. Over time the definition of the information literacy as expanded but has come into its own in the information age. Due to the need to be information literate some colleges have required students to meet some sort of competency requirements such as a test or a class with a set grade minimum.
Many of the readings that have been assigned for this class have stated that many complain that students take advantage of search engines such as Google too much for research. In my major most professors will not let you use a website as a source; I believe that this problem is often over stated because in many fields the most current information is available on Google. I agree that some sort of information literacy requirement should be required but it should be in the field that is selected by the student. For example some one who is majoring in guitar performance should not be tested on how to get the financial statements of Barclays bank and a business major does not need to know how to play a chord in E flat.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bell, Steven J. The Infodiet: How Libraries Can Offer an AppetizingAlternative to Google. By: Bell, Steven J., Chronicle of Higher Education, 00095982, 2/20/2004, Vol. 50, Issue 24

In the article “The Infodiet” the author Steven J. Bell states that the search engine Google has become a major competitor in the fight for what young scholars use for research. In the past the preferred source of information was academic libraries now because it is easy to use and it can be done quickly many use Google not in addition to libraries but in many cases in place of. The author compares the mentality of “super size it” that many have used for fast food restaurants, also for the search for information. Like fast food and other junk food, information from Google can be considered “not good for you” because it provides you with lots of information that may not be correct and it is hard to digest, leading to “infobesity.” It is pointed out that search engines with similar search features are available in most libraries but these databases contain higher quality data but still the quality of student research is still declining. The author calls for help from librarians to help students and professors to stop students from relying on Google.
In the research for my history classes it is next to impossible to use Google except for Google scholar but I still have to use something else to read what I used Google to find. Most of my professors will not let me use an internet sources in any shape or form. Except if it is a copy of something that exists in print as well. I can not speak for other departments but I believe that very few in students pursuing a history major are suffering from “infobesity.”

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thomas Frey. The Future of Libraries Beginning the Great Transformation

Frey begins the article by explaining the importance of libraries in the past. According the Frey libraries played an important role in the preservation of Da Vinci’s artwork but it makes one wonder what has been lost in the past that could have been saved by libraries. Frey identifies 10 trends in technology and says that books are a form of technology and so is writing but literacy will be dead by 2050. The ten trends are: Communication systems are continually changing the way people access information, All technology ends. All technologies commonly used today will be replaced by something new, We haven’t yet reached the ultimate small particle for storage. But soon, Search Technology will become increasingly more complicated, Time compression is changing the lifestyle of library patrons, Over time we will be transitioning to a verbal society, The demand for global information is growing exponentially, The Stage is being set for a new era of Global Systems, We are transitioning from a product-based economy to an experience based economy, Libraries will transition from a center of information to a center of culture. Frey includes recommendations for libraries to improve to fit into the future needs of people as technology changes.
I agree with Frey that libraries need to adapt to current technology but I get the impression from reading his article that he believes that libraries are not adapting on their own. Libraries have been adapting to technology for along time now and I believe that libraries are already centers of culture, although this is more true for some libraries than others. In my opinion libraries would be more of centers of culture if they had more funding. It is a question of not what libraries want to do it is a question of what libraries can do.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Report #3

Lara Farrar. For many Chinese, literary dreams go online 2/15/09.

In 2001, Murong Xuecun was working as a sales manger at a car company in China when he started posting his first online novel. Today the Xuecun is one of the most famous authors in China. His first work, "Leave Me Alone: A novel of Chengdu," has been read by millions of Chinese and adapted for film and television and translated into German, French and English. Many others have been able to have success similar to Xuecun by publishing their own literary work online. The websites for internet novels creates revenues through online advertising and by charging readers small amounts to access popular stories. But the revolutionary movement has a greater impact besides the internet world. The online novels have in many cases been adapted to games, movies, hardcopies of books, and television. Another advantage of the online novel tract is that the censorship of the online works is less restrictive, allowing writers to be more open in what they write. Despite the fact that the Chinese publishing industry has generally become more liberal in the past few years when online novels are published in hardcopy the stories are edited by censors.
The fact that the average person who has literary dreams has more opportunities to get their work out there is often a good thing but I fear that many my self included hate reading on a computer. This is especially true for me when I’m reading for long time period, but reading for pleasure would be different because I would not have to take notes on what I’m reading. I found it interesting that the online publishers were more lenient on the censorship that the hard copy publishers.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hooper, Simon. Facebook turns 5 -- but can it survive?

Facebook, the social networking site recently turned five years old. Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook was 19 when he launched the site from his Harvard dorm room in 2004. The site rapidly expanded and five years later, the web site claims more than 150 million users. Facebook received a one billion dollar bid from yahoo in 2004 which was rejected and in 2007 Microsoft bought a 1.6 % share of face book for 250 million dollars. If the 1.6% share of Facebook is worth 250 million, then the entire site is worth 15 billion, but questions have arose about the staying power and real value of the site. During the November election, the presidential hopefuls used the site for campaigning.
Facebook’s popularity, especially in the younger age groups is undeniable, but is has recently expanded to include older generations even politicians. Recently, my sister in law, who is in her mid thirdies sent me a friend request. First of all I did not expect my sister in law to have Facebook but more importantly I notices how popular it was with her friends. Many of my friends spend countless hours on the site. Admittedly I do spend more time on the site than I should, but it is no where close compared to others. The popularity of the site is easy to see but the effectiveness of the site as a medium for companies to advertise is not so easy for me to comprehend. When I login to the site I never look at the ads and I do not imagine that many people do. As long as Facebook continues to make money, I fore see it being around for sometime to come.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Read, Brock. “Can Wikipedia Ever Make the Grade?”. Chronicle of Higher Education 10/27/2006, 53, Issue 10.

In Read’s article on Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, he informs the reader that Wikipedia as many good aspects as well as bad. Read points out that Wikipedia’s advantage is also its disadvantage: any one can edit the material, which can lead to incorrect information. In one incident, a professor of communications went into different articles on Wikipedia and purposely edited article to include wrong information. A number of the changes made by the professor were obvious while others were harder to fact check; despite this corrections were made quickly. Read’s informs the reader that many of the free encyclopedias science articles are often more accurate that the humanities article, this is attributed to the tech savvy type of person that is attracted to Wikipedia. The founders of Wikipedia have been making an effort to include more input from the academic community to increase the credibility of the encyclopedia. Some professor have been contributing to the site while other refrain from doing so because their work can be edited and little of their original text will remain.
Like anything, Wikipedia has its place whether that place is anywhere close to the university level is the question. In my opinion Wikipedia can be a very useful source of information if used properly. I use Wikipedia early on in my research for a paper. I especially use the site when I know little about the subject and I often end up using sources citied by the author of the Wikipedia article but never Wikipedia itself. Many of my professors share this opinion on Wikipedia. I caught one of my professors who is less than enthusiastic about the use of Wikipedia using the online encyclopedia. I was happy to hear from reading the article how quickly the mistakes were fixed but I also see where the people are coming from who dislike the concept of Wikipedia because of the lack of credibility.

Monday, January 26, 2009

reading assignment 1

Piper, Paul S. Web Hoaxes , Counterfeit Sites, and Other Spurious Information on the Internet. Web of Deception.

In Piper’s chapter on Web sites that provide misleading information, he breaks down misleading websites in different categories: counterfeit, malicious, product, fictitious, parodies/spoofs/entertainment, hacks, disinformation, and mistakes. Piper distinguishes webs sites using a definition as well has example of that specific type of web site. A counterfeit site is one that attempts to pass itself off as an authentic site. Malicious has the intent to sway information to do harm to the reputation of a product, person or group. Parodies/spoofs/entertainment is not normally used to be taken seriously but under the right circumstances they are mistakenly used as creditable sources. Hacks are cases where reputable web site is hacked into and the information is purposely changed by a third party without the consent of the administrators of the site. Disinformation is defined as the “dissemination of deliberately false information, especially when supplied by a government or its agent to a foreign power or the media, with the intention of influencing the policies or pinion of those who receive it.” Mistakes are just that mistake made not on purpose but accidentally. Piper states that the elderly and young children are most susceptible to misinformation on the internet and that most dangerous information is often that involving medicine and health. Piper also explains the dangers of the misleading web sites and ways to protect your self from false information. Piper suggestions include: consider the source and check where the web site is registered and certain organization as dedicated to eliminating internet hoaxes.
The most interesting aspect of Piper article was the examples he provided to prove that such information is available on the internet. I agree with Piper in that if one uses common sense information on the internet can be used every affectively. The only problem that exists is that one has to be able to determine if the site is creditable or not.

Monday, January 19, 2009

News Report # 1

“S.C. Universities Face Loss of Shared Database Subscriptions”. American Lidrary Association. January 14, 2009

The Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL) budget was cut from two million to $200,000 for the fiscal year 2008-2009. PACAL is a group of South Carolina academic libraries who provides inter library loans services a well as data bases of scholarly journals. Due to the budget cut, PASCAL, stopped it LexisNexis database subscription as well as cutting back from five days a week for interlibrary loan delivery to three days a week. The data base service will continue until July but from that point forward the plan is to just be a interlibrary loan service. To help alleviate the budget cuts the libraries have started to require service fees for users. PASCAL’s parent organization, the Commission on Higher Education for the State of South Carolina, is hoping to convince the legislature to restore the funds for fiscal year 2009 2010 and is seeking the assistance of university presidents, who are showing strong support for the program. Support is also been available from student organization.

Despite the economic difficulties that the world is facing one of the last places that such drastic budget cuts such take place is on the higher education system, especially libraries. The subsidies that our government provides for our educational system ass allowed for us to have a high percentage of our population to pursue a college degree. One of the most important lessons that is gained from a college experience is how to gather information for a purpose. From perspective of a student it is hard for me to imagine doing a paper with out the help of online databases of scholarly journals. With the relatively recent switch to almost exclusively digital copies of journals it would be next to impossible for most students to get access to journal articles if Universities did not provide access to these databases. Journals provide students with an opportunity to obtain what is cutting edge in their specific field of study.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

my first post