Friday, April 24, 2009

Kolowich, Steve “Law Reviews Create Web Magazine Offering Condensed Articles” The Wired Campus. April 22, 2009

The new online magazine The Legal Workshop offers readers a condensed version of law reviews written by the author of the particular article but in plain English so an average person can take advantage of the information in the article. Typically articles in law reviews are very long reads and many do not have the time or the background knowledge to understand the language used to critique laws. The idea behind this project is to make law reviews more accessible to a wider audience than was possible before the existence of the online magazine The Legal Workshop. According to Michael Montano, the editor of Stanford Law Review, “we owe it to the public to produce work that is relevant to society as a whole.”

I have never read a law review but I imagine that it is no easy task but from reading this article and comments on it this is a good idea. I believe that the idea of offering summaries of law review that are more accessible to the general public is a good thing as long as nothing is taken away from the review. I believe that nothing will be taken away from the article as long as the author of the article writes the summary as well. So from the information given in the article I believe that this will turn out to be a very helpful resource. I bet that it will also be a good resource for lawyers who already know how to read law review as a time saver.

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